108 – Reporting Wrongdoing – “Whistleblower” Protection Policy

Last Updated: 2/22/2024

I. Purpose

This Whistleblower Policy is intended to encourage and enable Clergy, Church Personnel, volunteers, and others to raise serious concerns, including reporting Sexual Abuse of a Minor, suspicions of sexual misconduct, or other illegal or inappropriate behavior without fear of undue consequences. This policy prohibits retaliation against anyone who makes a report in good faith. This policy shall be followed in accordance with the Minnesota Whistleblower Act, MN State Statute § 181.932.

II. Definitions

“Church Personnel” means religious ( other than priests and deacons), seminarians, candidates for the diaconate, and employees, as well as volunteers in positions of leadership within a Parish, School, or the Archdiocese. Parish Trustees, Parish pastoral council members, Parish finance council members, School board members, School Advisory council members, and Archdiocesan finance council members are
examples of volunteers in leadership positions.

“Clergy” means any persons ordained – bishops, priests, and deacons – who administer the rites of the Catholic Church.

“Cleric” means a member of the Clergy.

“Employee” means an individual hired by and currently working for the Archdiocese, a Parish, or a School. This does not include independent contractors.

“Sexual Abuse of a Minor” includes all acts of sexual abuse of a minor as defined in Minnesota Statutes and includes, but is not limited to, any sexual contact, physical contact for sexual gratification, exhibitionism, masturbation, the production of pornography, inducement to prostitution and conversations or propositions of a sexual nature through any means of communication.

III. Policy

I. Reporting Procedure

Clergy, Church Personnel, Employees, and volunteers must report information regarding misconduct, including suspicions of Sexual Abuse of a Minor, in accordance with Minnesota law,1 canon law,2 Archdiocesan Codes of Conduct, policies, and applicable employee handbooks.

II. No Retaliation

No Cleric, Church Personnel, volunteer, or other person who, in good faith, reports a concern shall be subject to prejudice, retaliation, or discrimination. Moreover, Clergy or Church Personnel who retaliate against someone who has reported a concern in good faith may be disciplined and also be subjected to canonical penalties. Persons who retaliate against someone who has reported a concern in good faith may be asked to resign or be removed from their position.

III. Acting in Good Faith

Anyone reporting a concern must act in good faith and have reasonable grounds for believing the information disclosed is accurate and indicates a violation. The act of making allegations maliciously, recklessly, or with the foreknowledge that the allegations are false is a serious offense and may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination or prohibition from service and the reporting person may be asked to resign or be removed from their position.

1Minn. Stat. §260 E. 01-28.

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